School Life



Class Sizes

A key strategy of our methodology is to work in small class sizes of maximum 18-20 students. We believe that students learn better in a small group setting, as this increases opportunities to develop one’s own thinking and ideas and communicate these. Optimizing teacher-student relationships, bonds with fellow students and personalised coaching makes learning come alive for every student.

Green environment

Green environment

International School Maresme is unique in offering our Forest School programme. Qualified and experienced forest practitioners deliver the skills and concepts of Forest School in our very own privileged and natural setting.

At International School Maresme we offer unparalleled authentic learning opportunities for all, positively impacting on the lives of children by connecting them with the natural environmentin a unique and inspirational way, using this as a springboard for learning outside the classroom.

Extra activities

Extra curricular
activities programme

Hands-on learning experiences and thinking enable us to connect and integrate new experiences into our existing understanding and perception of how things are. For every learner, this is critical in developing a ‘base knowledge’ on which to hook all new knowledge and experiences. At International School Maresme we scaffold from the simplest thinking skills of assimilating facts and recall, to higher cognitive skills including analysis, synthesis, problem solving, and evaluation.

healthy diet

School lunch
and balanced diet

At International School Maresme, eating healthily means providing the children with nutritious, fresh and home-cooked food that we know the children will enjoy. Our lunch menus provide a healthy, nutritionally-balanced diet, and are designed to provide variety and is adapted seasonally – see an example below.

Children are also encouraged to drink water at regular intervals and they have independent access to water throughout the day.

At International School Maresme we actively promote healthy eating and maintaining a healthy lifestyle from an early age.

Nut free

Nut free

We strive to be a nut-free school.

Although we recognise that this cannot be guaranteed, International School Maresme aims to be a Nut Free school. This policy serves to set out all measures to reduce the risk to those children and adults who may suffer an anaphylactic reaction if exposed to nuts to which they are sensitive.

The school aims to protect children who have allergies to nuts yet also help them, as they grow up, to take responsibility as to what foods they can eat and to be aware of where they may be put at risk. We do not allow nuts or nut products in school lunch boxes.

Student Uniform

School uniform

We are pleased to inform you that beginning September 2024, International School Maresme will be implementing a new school uniform. This update underscores our dedication to enhancing the sense of unity and pride among our students. Detailed information regarding the procurement of the new uniforms will be provided shortly. Please stay tuned for further updates.

trendy technologies

Latest technology
and gadgets

The houses

The houses

Each House is a small group within the larger School community that fosters pride, responsibility, and respect for the contributions of others.

Every International School Maresme pupil belongs to a House during their time at the school. This House will become almost like a family to them, as it provides the basis for many friendships.



In a spirit of collegiality and friendship, mutual support drives a culture of collaboration among the International School Maresme staff.

We have built a community of teaching staff that is second to none: committed, passionate, highly qualified with international experience – our staff knows what it takes to become high achievers and they understand the emotional needs of our students.

International School Maresme


8:30 Lessons begin. Flexible entry until 8.45h for Early Years (Nursery and Reception)‐ Inicio de la jornada escolar. Entrada flexible hasta las 8.45h. para los alumnos de Early Years (Nursery y Reception)
10:30 – 11:00 Snack and Break – Desayuno y recreo
11:00 – 13:00 Lessons continue – Las clases continúan
13:00 – 14:00 Lunch and Break (Nursery – year 7) – Comida y recreo
13:30 – 14:00 Optional Nap‐time for Nursery – Siesta opcional para Nursery
14:00 – 16:00 Lessons continue ‐ Las clases continúan
16:00 Classes finish ‐ Fin de la jornada escolar
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School Fees

3-4 Nursery 7.717,50 €
  • Tuition
  • School Material
  • Books
  • School Insurance
4-5 Reception Early Years
5-6 Year 1 Key Stage 1
8.268,75 €
  • Tuition
  • School Material
  • Books
  • School Insurance
6-7 Year 2
7-8 Year 3 Key Stage2
8.268,75 €
  • Tuition
  • School Material
  • Books
  • School Insurance
8-9 Year 4
9-10 Year 5
10-11 Year 6
11-13 Year 7 Key Stage3
9.371,25 €
  • Tuition
  • School Insurance
  • Re-enrolment fee
12-13 Year 8
13-14 Year 9
14-15 Year 10 Key Stage4
11.576,25 €
  • Tuition
  • School Insurance
  • Re-enrolment fee
15-16 Year 11

Enrolment Fee / Matrícula

650 € ‐ Paid at the time of enrolment

450 € ‐ Charged for the renewal of the following school year

Lunch / Comida

MONTHLY CHARGE (10 months)
Precio mensual (10 meses)
Lunch Catering Menu / Comida del servicio de catering 155€
Packed lunch / Comida de casa 25€
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Description Annual Discount

Discount on enrolment fee
Descuento en matrícula

Free for the third child onwards*
*When siblings are simultaneously enrolled
Gratuita a partir del tercer hijo/a*
*Válido únicamente cuando están inscritos hermanos simultáneamente en el centro.


Discount on Annual Fees
Descuento sobre cuotas anuales

3rd child onwards
*When siblings are simultaneously enrolled
Tercer hijo/a y sucesivos
*Válido únicamente cuando están inscritos hermanos simultáneamente en el centro


Discount on payment of annual fee paid in full
Pago anticipado de las cuotas anuales

Discount of 3% when the annual fee is paid at the beginning of the school year
Descuento del 3% cuando la tarifa anual se paga al comienzo del año escolar


Discount on single‐parent family
Descuento a familias monoparentales

Discount on annual fee by presenting the single‐ parent family card
*When siblings are simultaneously enrolled
Descuento en las cuotas anuales presentando el carnet de familia monoparental
*Debe presentar la tarjeta cada año para validar el descuento


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Apply for admission

Our easy and straightforward admissions process is designed to help you get in touch with us quickly and comfortably by completing this simple contact form. Please read on for information that will help you in the process of applying and/or finding out more at International School Maresme.



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